Oral sedation is a technique used in dentistry to help patients relax and manage anxiety during dental procedures. It involves the administration of medications in the form of a pill, typically taken by mouth before the procedure.
What does it provide
Oral sedation is effective in reducing mild to moderate anxiety. It offers several benefits:
Anxiety Reduction: Oral sedatives help calm patients' nerves and alleviate anxiety, making dental appointments more comfortable and stress-free.
Ease of Administration: Medications are taken orally, which is convenient and non-invasive. Patients are typically instructed to take the medication before their appointment, allowing it to take effect by the time they arrive at the dental office.
Varied Sedation Levels: Different medications and doses can be tailored to achieve varying levels of sedation, from mild relaxation to moderate sedation, depending on the patient's needs and the complexity of the procedure.
Amnesic Effect: Many oral sedatives have a mild amnesic effect, meaning patients may have less memory of the dental procedure, further reducing anxiety about future appointments.
Recovery Time: Recovery time varies depending on the medication used and the sedation level achieved. Patients must have someone to accompany them to and from the appointment. This individual must stay in the waiting room throughout the entirety of the procedure.
It's important to note that oral sedation is not suitable for all patients. Individuals with specific respiratory or hepatic (liver) conditions, along with various other medical circumstances, might not be optimal candidates for its application. Additionally, while oral sedation offers relaxation and some amnesic effects, it may not provide complete anxiety relief for all patients. If you are concerned oral sedation may not give enough anxiety relief, it is recommended to request IV sedation.