
Straighter Teeth With Invisalign (Invisible Braces)

Written by Jeffrey E. Himler, DDS Dec 1 • 10 minute read


Treatment with Invisalign

If you need orthodontic treatment, chances are
Invisalign can help. Invisalign can treat a wide range of cases.
teeth-straightening process
will vary
from person to person, but the basic idea stays the same. We will take x-rays,
pictures and impressions of your teeth, and then use that information to create
a treatment plan. You’ll receive a series of custom aligners that you’ll change
about every two weeks. Over time, your teeth will gently and gradually shift
into place.

vs Orthodontic braces

Traditional Orthodontic braces tend to be
unsightly and uncomfortable, and they make it difficult to keep your teeth
clean during orthodontic treatment. Invisalign clear aligners help you to stay
confident and comfortable throughout the teeth-straightening process. They’re
also removable and wire-free, so it’s easier to maintain proper oral hygiene
and not worry about getting food stuck in hard-to-reach areas. Invisalign
offers many
over orthodontic braces
, often at
about the same cost as other orthodontic treatments.

of Orthodontic Treatment

Straighter teeth give you more than a great
smile—they also help to reduce your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. If
left untreated by a dentist, tooth decay and gum disease can cause mouth sores,
tender or bleeding gums, bad breath and possible tooth loss.
with Invisalign can assist
with straight teeth, helping you to avoid problems such as an improper bite,
difficulty speaking or chewing, and jaw problems.


Treatment Process 

From consultation to
confident new smile with newly straightened teeth, you’ll know what to expect
every step of the way.

first consultation

Invisalign treatment is an important dental and financial decision. At your
initial consultation, we will discuss your needs and evaluate whether
Invisalign treatment is right for you.

custom treatment plan

We will
take physical impressions, X-Rays, and photos. Then we will map out a precise
treatment plan, including the exact movements of your teeth and how long your
treatment will be. You’ll even get to see how your teeth will move and preview
your new smile at a following appointment.

Invisalign clear aligners

custom-made aligners will be made of our proprietary SmartTrack
® material. They're
virtually invisible, so most people won't even notice you're wearing them
during your teeth straightening.

Wear your
Invisalign clear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day for the best results, taking
them out to eat and to brush and floss.


As you
wear each set of aligners, your teeth will gently and gradually shift into
place. At every stage you’ll be able to see your progress and imagine how far
your new smile will take you.

care of your new smile

When your
treatment is complete, retainers are custom-made using the same
state-of-the-art technology as Invisalign clear aligners.



Is Invisalign® treatment appropriate for
you? For the majority of cases, the answer is yes. Invisalign treatment is
clinically proven to be effective for a broad range of teeth straightening
cases, from mild to complex. And, we’re continuously innovating to expand that
range and get even better results.

Gapped Teeth

Gaps between teeth can occur with abnormal
continued growth of the jawbone. Missing teeth can also cause the surrounding
teeth to shift due to the extra space, creating gaps in your teeth. Spacing
issues and gaps between teeth can lead to gum problems (due to lack of
protection by the teeth), periodontal pockets and increased risk of periodontal


Overbite occurs when the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth.
It's typically caused by genetics, bad oral habits, or overdevelopment of the
bone that supports the teeth. This can lead to gum problems or irritation,
and/or wear on the lower teeth, and can cause painful jaw and joint problems.


Underbite can occur when the lower teeth protrude past the front
teeth. It's usually caused by undergrowth of the upper jaw, overgrowth of the
lower jaw, or both. It can also be caused by missing upper teeth. This can
prevent the normal function of front teeth or molars, which can lead to tooth
wear. It can also cause painful jaw and joint problems.

Open Bite

Open bite is when some teeth are unable to make
physical contact with the opposing teeth for a proper bite. Most often caused
by a genetic abnormal jaw structure or excessive thumb-sucking, an open bite
can cause poor or painful chewing, and even speech impairment. It can also lead
to greater issues like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).


Teeth crowding occurs when there is simply a
lack of room within your jaw for all of your teeth to fit normally. When left
untreated, overly crowded teeth can get worse over time, and result in severely
crooked teeth. This crowding can lead to plaque accumulation, tooth decay and
an increased chance of gum disease.


Crossbite is when the upper
and lower jaws are both misaligned. It causes one or more upper teeth to bite
on the inside of the lower teeth, and can happen on both the front and the
sides of the mouth. Crossbite can cause wear of the teeth, gum disease and bone


Living with Invisalign Aligners

One of the best things
about Invisalign
® treatment is the minimal impact it has on your
everyday life. Since the aligners are so comfortable, you should be able to
wear them for the recommended 20 to 22 hours a day without much effort.

Oral Hygiene

The aligners are easily removable, so you can
continue to brush and floss your teeth as you normally would. Cleaning your
aligners is just as easy with the
cleaning kit
. Or you can simply brush and rinse them in lukewarm
water. That's it! Achieving that great smile couldn't be easier!


You'll also remove the aligners each time you
eat. This means you can continue to eat all the foods you love without any
restrictions or worrying about food getting stuck in your wires and brackets.
With other teeth-straightening methods, the simple act of eating can often be


For those who are active in contact sports,
Invisalign clear aligners let you play without the worry of sharp brackets
cutting your mouth and causing pain. If your sport requires wearing a
protective mouthguard, simply remove your aligners and you're good to go!


Your bedtime routine can continue as before,
with the simple addition of cleaning your aligners. You won't be struggling
with trying to floss and brush in between brackets and wires, which can be


Is Invisalign Treatment For You?

If you feel Invisalign treatment is for you, please call
to schedule your free consultation visit at: (937) 644-1115.

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